About Me

Hello. My name is David. Most of the time “I’m a Golfer Playing Doctor Today.” I went to medical school knowing that my golf skills weren’t good enough to make golfing a full time gig. I needed something to do on the side. When I was in med school I read an article in Golf Digest which listed the top 100 golfers. Currently I would rank 18th on the list with a handicap of o.9. Without additional evidence to refute this I am happy to call myself a top 100 physician golfer. My goal is to crack the top 10.
I started residency as a surgeon. My first day off in residency I went to the golf course and started getting pages about my patients. I decided to switch to Emergency Medicine so I wouldn’t get paged on the golf course. My career and my wife allow me to golf more often than I should.
My first blog post was the inspiration behind this website. I spend a lot of time in my job getting to know people and am always intrigued by what people do. I am a golfer. Am I defined by golf? I hope to be considered more than just a golfer in life, but some days a golfer is all I want to be.
This is a site about all things Golf, some things Medical, and most things Life.
Contact Info
Email: golfermd18@gmail.com
Twitter: GolferMD@Golfer_MD
Instagram: Golfer_MD
Facebook Page: GolferMD