A Lonely World
It’s 3:40am. I’ve been up for over two hours. Sleepless nights have become more common in the last few months. Racing thoughts, irrational fears, rational fears, “what ifs” and “I wish I would haves”. Medicine is often dark and heart wrenching. Medicine is a lonely world.
Writing Again
I’m writing again. Not out of want. Out of need. The burden of emergency medicine can be a difficult cross to bear. Laws prevent us from telling much of what we see, hear, smell and feel. Only a few close comrades who are actual witnesses understand. At least I hope they do.
Until It Isn’t
Most of my career has not been dreary…until it isn’t. Most nights I sleep well…until I don’t. Most patients live….sometimes the burden is more real than I want to bear.
Don’t write about things in your journal we are told. The lawyers can access it and use it against you. I write in vagueness, hoping they won’t know who or what I’m referring to. I secretly hope if I don’t write specifics that I will forget. Most days I do…until I don’t. Details wake me up. “I wish I would haves” haunt me.
Kelsey provides a listening ear, a warm heart, a reassuring embrace. She wants to know…sometimes I don’t want her to. Sometimes it’s better that she doesn’t.
I’m not suicidal in case you’re concerned. I’m far from it. A few sleepless nights are ahead. I’ll bounce back. I have before. I’ll put on a smile for each patient. They don’t know that the family next to them just lost their grandma…their brother…their young newborn.
Should I be a Doctor?
People ask me if they should go into medicine. I have them come shadow me. It’s cool to watch someone get stitched up. I remember the first time I saw someone with a kidney stone. They were in agony. I was in awe. Seeing a tragic accident or witnessing someone’s last breath can be horrifying, especially if you’re the one who was responsible for saving them.
A Lonely Game
Admist the chaos a glimpse of light. I shot a 67 last week. 9 birdies in one round, a new record for me. Surely this joy will last. I text my brothers. I get a few thumbs up. The next day, in a moment of reflection, one of them sends a different text…

Golf is a lonely game.
A Lonely World
New clubs came in the mail yesterday. I got home from work at 8pm. I see the box. Usually I’d open it. Not tonight. Golf seems meaningless. A sleepless night is ahead. Medicine is a lonely world.
About the Author
I write a few paragraphs hoping to define myself. A few titles seem more meaningful than others today. Husband. Dad. Son.