The Wife of a Golfer Part 2: Better Luck
Last year I didn’t know what to get my wife for our anniversary. We just had a baby the day before. I wrote her a poem “The Wife of a Golfer” and promised her “better luck next year.” Now that “next year” is here I wrote her a new poem: The Wife of a Golfer Part 2: Better Luck
The Wife of a Golfer Part 2: Better Luck
The Wife of a Golfer, Better Luck? You may ask,
I have burdened myself with no simple task.
Last year I wrote a poem and started a blog just for you.
With it’s profits we can retire in year 3002.
You’re the prettiest, kindest, and funniest person I know.
With this type of credentials you need a gift that will show,
How much I love you and what you mean to me,
On a side note, can I golf on our anniversary?
Better luck I promised you, how foolish was I?
I’m still trying to figure out how did I catch your eye?
Maybe Tiffany’s, Nordstroms, or some other shop for girls,
Or you get me some golf balls and I’ll get you some pearls?
Who am I kidding, there’s no gift that will do,
For The Wife of a Golfer I owe much more to you.
You’re an incredible mom, and the perfect wife of a golfer.
You bring so much to the plate, and I have so little to offer.
You’re one in a trillion, thanks for letting me share this ride
Of 13 years of marriage and 3 beautiful kids by our side.
The wife of a golfer, you deserve Better Luck.
But I forgot to get diamonds, so with just me you are stuck.

Services for Hire
Need a poem because you were too busy golfing to get a gift for your wife? For $100 I will write you one. Just message me on social media.
About The Author
I am a husband, father, ER doctor, and an avid golfer. With a handicap of 0.9 I have a fairly legitimate claim to be among the Top 100 Physician Golfers in the United States. You can read more about my story on my about page. Feel free to contact me or follow my sites on social media.