The Best Course at Bandon Dunes
I once went two days without eating any carbs. Two of the toughest days of my life. I woke up in a panic at midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep. At 3am I had a bowl of cereal. I feel right back asleep. I am mentally weak. It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve played a round of golf. I need some golf carbs quick before panic sets in. Two more weeks until I leave my house. Hopefully I’ll last. It’s 3am right now. I’m at work but no patients are here. The world is terrified of leaving their homes. I start thinking about Bandon. What is the best course at Bandon Dunes? My list has changed 10 times in the last two weeks.
Even Bandon Dunes Golf Resort has been closed because of Covid-19. Many people like me have planned their whole year around a golf trip to Bandon just to have it snatched away at the last minute. I feel for you. Maybe some pictures of Bandon and my ranking of the best course at Bandon Dunes will cheer you up.
The Best Course at Bandon Dunes
Choosing the best course at Bandon Dunes is like picking a favorite child. It’s probably not a smart thing to do. You feel bad even thinking about it. Every course would probably be at the top of my favorites list if I were to play them in isolation. We unfortunately didn’t play Bandon Preserve and were a few months off of the opening of Sheep Ranch. I’ll have to update my list with those two courses next time.
Bandon Dunes
Bandon Dunes may have been my favorite course of all time if I hadn’t played so many other courses. I played the course twice. Both rounds were the worst weather rounds of the trip. The first time we played it it was 50 degrees with 30 mile per hour winds. The second time we played it the temperature was in the high 30s and the rain didn’t stop. We eventually got a little hail during the round as well. Below is a little amateur iphone eye candy of the course. Bandon Dunes wins the prize for most challenging course for sure. When it comes to the best course at Bandon Dunes however it ranks #4. I’m excited to play it again to see if this changes.

Bandon Trails
Bandon trails is my type of course. I loved everything about it. I love playing in the trees. The most notable part of playing Bandon Trails is that it is perfectly quiet. We had just played a morning round on one of the ocean courses and when you hit Bandon Trails the lack of wind and ocean noise is obvious. It is a very cool contrast. This course has large open fairways with well placed bunkers and suited my eye well. Although it lacks the ocean views and the eye popping holes that the other courses have it still comes in at #3 for me in the ranking of the best course at Bandon Dunes.

Old MacDonald
This had to be to most unique golf experience I have ever had. Old MacDonald was a blast from the start. The course had drastic elevation changes, huge undulating greens, and drastic slopes in the fairways. The greens seemed impossible to read and even more difficult to putt. Good luck getting a ball to stop on the greens. To many this is the most fun course they’ve ever played. For that reason alone it holds a solid spot at #2 for the best course at Bandon Dunes.

Pacific Dunes
This is the most stunning course that I’ve ever played. Each hole seemed to be prettier then the next. The views were stunning, the layout was exciting, and the course conditions when we played were perfect. It is rare to get a calm day at Bandon, Oregon but we lucked into one. It was the perfect setting. Pacific Dunes is ranked as the #2 public golf course in the United States. It is #1 on my Top 10 list of best courses I have ever played and is the best golf course at Bandon Dunes. IMO.

About the Author
I am a husband, father, ER doctor, and an avid golfer. With a handicap of 2.7 I have a fairly legitimate claim to be among the Top 100 Physician Golfers in the United States. You can read more about my story on my about page. Feel free to contact me or follow my sites on social media.