The Corona Sweats- My First Night at Bandon Dunes
It is not uncommon for me to lose sleep the night before a round of golf. Tonight is different. I woke up at 1:20am. Not out of excitement. Out of panic. I am having sweats. Corona Sweats.
My 8 hour drive to Bandon, Oregon seemed to go quick. With an hour left in the drive my friend Judd told me they suspended the NBA for the season. Rudy Gobert was sick. By the way, they are still playing the NCAA tournament, but without fans. Tom Hanks and his wife have coronavirus. I look at the stock market. Another $10k down the drain for the day.
I am not physically ill. I am mentally ill. What is this world coming to? Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Corona Symptoms
I quickly relook at the symptoms of Coronavirus. 88% of people have a fever. 68% of people have a dry cough. I don’t have either of those. 38% of people have fatigue. I have that! It’s 1:30am and I can’t go back to sleep. Do I have a Corona? Let me check.
19% of people have difficulty breathing. 14% sore throat. 5% chills. No, No, No.
Sweats are not listed? Losing your mind is not listed? Mania is not listed? Mass hysteria is not listed? Ok. No Corona. I just have Corona Sweats.
Corona Sweats
I consider myself rational, but I have the Corona Sweats all of a sudden. I’m thinking about my day. How many times did I wash my hands? 84 or so. Did anyone cough on me? No. Did I touch a door handle? Yes, but with my elbow.
Calm down David. You’re going nuts. Worse than Corona itself is the Corona Sweats. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
How am I going to survive?
1. NBA- I don’t watch NBA basketball anyways unless it’s the playoffs. I will survive without the NBA.
2. Tom Hanks- One of my favorite actors ever. I read his message from last night. He’s in Australia. He sounded like he was fine. He is 63 years old. By percentages he will probably be fine. He says it feels like he has a cold, which he does. I included him and his wife and Rudy Gilbert in my prayers last night. I will keep praying for Corona patients.
3. My 401k- In the last week it has dwindled to a 201k. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Stay the course. My financial advisor is a good guy. He tells me to stay the course. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Peace of Mind
In 5 hours I get to play 4 of the top 20 courses in the entire world. I don’t have Corona. My wife bought toilet paper last week. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. I don’t have Corona. Even if I did, I would be fine. I have Corona Sweats. I can deal with it. Go back to bed. You have to play golf in the morning.
About the Author
I am a husband, father, ER doctor, and an avid golfer. With a handicap of 2.8 I have a fairly legitimate claim to be among the Top 100 Physician Golfers in the United States. You can read more about my story on my about page. Feel free to contact me or follow my sites on social media.