Princeville Makai Golf Course & Puff the Magic Dragon
Puff the Magic Dragon was a song I remember listening to growing up. For some reason it makes me think of the movie Pete’s Dragon. I don’t know if there’s a connection between the two or not. When we were in Kauai my dad and I purchased the Kauai Golf Package which allowed you to play three courses on the island. After hearing there was a course “In a land called Hanalei” he was most excited to play a the Princeville Makai Golf Course.

The song by Peter, Paul, and Mary actually talks about a mythical land called “Honna Lee” not “Hanalei”. I didn’t tell that to Dad. Also some say that Puff the Magic Dragon is a song about smoking marijuana. I definitely didn’t tell that to him. It would have ruined his boyhood dreams. Don’t worry Dad. I pass on grass…all the time.
Princeville Makai Golf Course Highlights
The Princeville Makai Golf Club is consistently ranked in the top 100 golf courses in the USA. It was designed by legendary designer Robert Trent Jones Jr. He also designed Chambers Bay Golf Course. The Princeville Makai Golf Course has some of the most beautiful holes you’ll ever play in your life.
Singing in the Rain
If you plan on playing the Princeville Makai Golf Course you better plan on rain. It is on the wet side of the island and gets rain most days. Dad and I showed up to the course and it was pouring rain despite a forecast of dry weather. I have never played when it has been raining so hard. We were the only ones foolish enough to play that day. Fortunately for us the rain calmed down after 9 holes.

Of the three courses I played in Kauai: Poipu Bay, Hokuala, or Princeville Makai it is tough to say which is the best. They all rank high on my list of favorite courses played. In the end this is what I like most about each course:
Poipu Bay- Best Weather (on the dry side of the island), Best Restaurant (Roy’s) Best Clubhouse/Facilities.
Hokuala- Best stretch of holes
Princeville- Prettiest course with the most challenging holes. The pictures don’t do this course justice. It is breathtaking…even in the rain.
The Food
No round is complete without a good meal at the end. The facilities at Princeville were lacking for a top 100 golf course. We drove back to Poipu to check out some of the local food trucks

The owner of Chipwrecked asked if I golfed. He was apparently a Golf Professional in the regional tour circuits in the US before he gave it up to move to Hawaii and live the good life. Not a bad decision. He was a super nice guy who mad great nachos by the way. Check it out!
Princeville Makai Golf Course
Princeville Makai ranks as the second best course I’ve ever played. I was playing in the pouring ran and had a very mediocre round but I loved the experience. It was a challenging course that is a must play next time you are in Kauai.
About GolferMD
I am a husband, father, ER doctor, and an avid golfer. With a handicap of 2.9 I have a fairly legitimate claim to be among the Top 100 Physician Golfers in the United States. You can read more about my story on my about page. Feel free to contact me or follow my sites on social media.