The Wife of a Golfer
I didn’t know what exactly to get my wife for our anniversary this year. She just had a baby the day before. She was thinking about the baby and I was thinking about golf (and the baby). This poem was the best I could come up with in 2019. Better luck next year Honey!
The Wife of a Golfer
You’re the wife of a golfer
What does that mean?
It’s worse than being the wife of a Doctor
As crazy as that seems.
I leave you with the kids
For countless hours on end
When I’m done with 18 I call asking
“Can I play 18 again?”
My weekends quickly get booked
With a tee time or two
You’re left wondering to yourself
“What’s a girl like me supposed to do”
In our 12 years of marriage
I’ve realized how lucky I am
To be married to a person
Who lets me be my own man
There’s no controlling my addiction
It’s worse than a narcotic
You let me golf all the time
Even though you may think I’m psychotic
You’re the wife of a golfer
And you’ve adapted better than most
To my constant obsession
To you I leave this last toast…
You’re the girl of my dreams
And despite what it may seem
Golf is second to you
And will always be. ?
About the Author
I am a husband, father, ER doctor, and an avid golfer. With a handicap of 3.2 I have a fairly legitimate claim to be among the Top 100 Physician Golfers in the United States. You can read more about my story on my about page. Feel free to contact me or follow my sites on social media.
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Quite the adventure you're going on. The book of faces with its cliques and stalkers and depressive lurkers; Poetry and blogging with the vulnerability and stagnation and hope for influence but dread and cringe and self embarrassment.
I've been down these roads before, more than once, usually to wake up early in a morning, before the crow of the cock, and delete my entire online presence and convince myself that I never even attempted.
It's a lonely path. With very little reward. I think it was Frost who spoke of the road less traveled; or maybe it was Roosevelt and the vulnerable man in the arena that counts, not the critic; it could have been Thoreau and his favorite companion, solitude.
Whoever it was, I commend your effort. The internets are full of bullies and critics and political savviests and outrage. It needs a little more kindness and understanding and living poetry.
All the best,
Thanks for the post. It will be nice for my readers to know that I have a brother that is more weird than I.
Helping others feel better about themselves by descending below all things is an aspirational quality of mine.
Glad to hear you are benefiting.
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Steve, I love your anonymous post. As your wife stated previously, just make sure when your done with your website that Dr. Barber signs off on it.