A Little PDA for the CDA Resort Golf Course
Trust me. I am not shocked that most of you clicked on this article because it mentioned PDA. There is nothing wrong with a little Public Display of Affection every now and then. Some people are grossed out by it. Not me. Most of you are at least intrigued enough by it to click on this post. The CDA Resort Golf Course (Coeur D’Alene) is definitely worthy of a little PDA.
Brooks Koepka made headlines a few months ago by rejecting his girlfriend’s kiss before he started the final round of the PGA Championship. It seems after reading Twitter that many people were offended by this. His girlfriend definitely was. I wasn’t. I thought it was pretty funny actually. Call me cruel or insensitive. I don’t think I am. He was focused on winning. I am sure she forgive him after he won $2,000,000 and took her to a remote island on his private jet the next day.
CDA Resort Golf Course
Now lets get to some real PDA. The CDA Resort Golf Course is definitely deserving of some. I golfed there last week for the first time. The course was incredible, and probably in my Top 3 courses I’ve ever played. The course debuted in 1991 and is most known for it’s floating green. I remember wanting to play the course as an 8 year old kid after seeing a flyer advertising the floating green hanging at a local par 3 golf course. 28 years and $195 later I finally had the chance to play it. The course didn’t disappoint. Here are the top 3 reasons I place it in my top 3.
Top 3 Reasons I love the Coeur D’Alene Resort Golf Course
1. Incredible Views
Lake Coeur D’Alene is absolutely spectacular. Evergreens and a beautiful blue lake provide the perfect background for a luxurious round of golf. I’ve played many rounds of golf in Hawaii. The views of this course seems to beat most of the views in Hawaii. Most holes on the course seem to have a view of the lake. It is the perfect way to enjoy the water if you’re too afraid to get up on a wakeboard. Save yourself some brain cells from your skiing concussion and play The CDA Resort Golf Course instead.
2. First Class Service
Two pearly white gates block your entrance to the course. An attendant, St. Peter, checks to see you actually have a tee time and calls ahead to let the course know you’ll be arriving. I don’t think I’ve been to anywhere this exclusive. You feel a little hoity toity when they let you through the front gate. Let’s face it though, if you are paying $195 for a single round of golf you are hoity toity.
They pick you up in the parking lot with the Rolls Royce of a golf cart. I can’t believe they even make golf carts with wood trim. The green fee comes with a Caddie. In all of the years of golf I’ve played this is the first time I have played with a caddie. He cleans your clubs after your shots, reads your putts and gives you tips on your drives. After a $40 tip at the end of the round your wallet is lot lighter but at that point you don’t care for some reason.
3. Manicured to perfection
I have never played a more manicured golf course in my whole life. Every inch of the course is edged, trimmed, gardened, watered. The course is very impressive. I thought my lawn used to look like a golf course. I have some major work to do to catch up. My cousin just finished playing Pebble Beach and said that this course was in way better shape. I can’t imagine any course looking nicer.
For the Female Golfer
A tip for all of my female readers- Drop your husbands and kids off at the lake and take a trip to play this course. It was ranked in the top 20 most playable course for Women. If golf isn’t your thing, at least you can enjoy the free $195 massage they will give you when you pay for your round.
I am not even receiving any royalties from The Coeur D’Alene Resort Golf Course for this. Amazing that I would take this much time to review a course strictly for the benefit of my readers. Was it worth the $195 price tag? Definitely.